Friday, August 04, 2006

change this as PR for authors,

Read and Pass: "Publishers need to understand that ChangeThis is here to help them, just like Cuba Gooding Jr. understood that Jerry was there to show him the money. ChangeThis could show the publishers the money too. The vast majority of books get published and go unnoticed; ChangeThis offers an opportunity for books with great, viral ideas to get an instant shot of PR. Having millions of people read a chapter of a great book usually means many thousands of people will wind up buying that book.

At ChangeThis, our goal is to change people’s minds through the spread of important ideas. In no way are we out here to make money. But that doesn’t mean we’re against publishers selling more books because of the manifestos we distribute. If people are so moved by an excerpt, by all means they should go out and purchase the whole book.

There’s so many incredible ideas out there, floundering in the sea of published yet undiscovered books. Some of these books are too powerful to let drown into obscurity.

That’s why we’re throwing out lifejackets."

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