Tuesday, July 25, 2006

BA Venture Partners - News: BAVP News

BA Venture Partners - News: BAVP News: "Venture capitalists also sometimes accept lower ownership stakes, as many mature firms have a passel of existing investors. That means lower profits for the new investors when a company finally goes public or is sold. Plus, many investors simply 'don't want to fix the mistakes of their competitors,' says Crosslink's Mr. Stark.

But the likelihood of at least a passable return on a late-stage company looks attractive to many down-on-their-luck venture investors these days.

'Over the last five years, we haven't made a whole lot of capital gains for our customers,' says BA's Mr. O'Driscoll. 'So no one's going to sit there and get all virginal and say, 'I don't want to go late [stage] -- I don't want to make money.''"

Monday, July 24, 2006

Al-Muhajabah's Movable Type Tips: tag cloud

Al-Muhajabah's Movable Type Tips: tag cloud

Phil Windley's Technometria | Tag Cloud For My Blog

Phil Windley's Technometria | Tag Cloud For My Blog

Union Square Ventures: A New York Venture Capital Fund Focused on Early Stage & Startup Investing

Union Square Ventures: A New York Venture Capital Fund Focused on Early Stage & Startup Investing: "s who are focused on creating highly scalable services and significant value propositions for their end users. Hear Fred Wilson on Businessweek's Blogspotting podcast.
advertising behavioral cliche delicious design indeed investment jobs media peerproduction rss search startups tacoda turnarounds usv usvsessions vc web20 webservices

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Looking For The Right Person

We recently posted the news that our analyst Charlie O'Donnell is leaving us to join one of our portfolio companies. We are now actively looking for someone to fill his position.

We noticed while working with del.icio.us that their best hires were part of the extended del.icio.us community long before anyone in the company met them. The del.icio.us team first became aware of these people through their work on the web. Several had created useful del.icio.us extensions that demonstrated their understanding of the service and its potential. So when faced with challenge of filling Charlie's shoes, we thought we would reach out to see if there was someone out there who is already part of the Union Square Ventures community because they follow this blog, but who might now want to become an active member of our team.

The analyst position at Union Square Ventures is a two year rotational "

MySpace Goes Offline - Mashable*

MySpace Goes Offline - Mashable*

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Usability First: Usability Glossary: Browse Categories

Usability First: Usability Glossary: Browse Categories

Evolution 101: The Family Tree

Evolution 101: The Family Tree

DigiBarn: Re-visiting and revising the famous Bushy Tree diagram of the lineage of visual computing systems

DigiBarn: Re-visiting and revising the famous Bushy Tree diagram of the lineage of visual computing systems

GoogleBase Job Listing: World Domination Coordinator

GoogleBase Job Listing: World Domination Coordinator
Originally uploaded by dmc500hats.

humorous?? tweak on GoogleBase

What do Grazr and BBL add to the technology google has underlying googlebase and googleprint?

I envision a google search server powered with the technology that is the basis for such BETA projects used to build the GFVN -
of a demo which is structured database filled out with the content components of GFVN -

Imagine having your very own dedicated google search engine
hardware with to manage the population of data/information/blogposts that will be the content of GFVN

Wouldn't ConversationBase work best on a dedicated google server(s) fitted out with the value network content?

John Battelle's Searchblog: Google Library: Talk About a Long Tail...

John Battelle's Searchblog: Google Library: Talk About a Long Tail...

John Battelle's Searchblog: GoogleBase: Structured/Vertical/Domain Search Ain't The FreeWeb

John Battelle's Searchblog: GoogleBase: Structured/Vertical/Domain Search Ain't The FreeWeb

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dr. Larry Dossey's Official Website

Dr. Larry Dossey's Official Website: "What applications, beyond medical practice, can Era III thinking have, in our culture at large and in our private lives?

The foundation of Era III is nonlocal mind -- mind that is infinite, eternal, immortal. As nonlocal mind becomes a living reality for more people, we could become a kinder, gentler culture. Nonlocal mind leads to what I call the Golden Rule of Era III: 'Do good unto others because they are you!' Why? Because, as I said earlier, nonlocal mind is unlimited and boundless, which means that minds can't be walled off from each other. In some sense, at some level, we are each other.

Taking nonlocal mind seriously can, as I describe in Reinventing Medicine, widen the dimensions of the consciousness. We can tap into sources of wisdom beyond ourselves and beyond the present. Creative breakthroughs and prophetic knowing become ordinary in the context of nonlocal mind. Empathy and compassion flower as a result of our felt linkage with one another. And the awareness of immortality, as I've described, takes the pressure off living and dying. This will not happen automatically, however. We have to do our share and set our biases and prejudices aside. These are urgent matters. As Andre Malraux said, 'The twenty-first century will be spiritual or it will not be at all.' "

about elise.com: On the Job

a treatise on blogging Elise is a local consultant her blogroll connects her to some good folks.about elise.com: On the Job



Thursday, July 20, 2006

Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report

Jeffery hates tags clouds -- woth reading Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report

Micro Persuasion: Mind The Conversation Gap

the value of blogs in closing the Conversation Gap
Micro Persuasion: Mind The Conversation Gap

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki: The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint

Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki: The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint

Guy's top ten postings ( his own of course - what did you think)

Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki

Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki

see the article onan interview with
David Sifry of technorati. good stuff

Kevin Kelly -- The Technium

Kevin Kelly -- The Technium

a book in process. Kelly is the proto-human of his age - out of control but in a very cool way

Friday, July 14, 2006

Principles of XML design: When to use elements versus attributes

Principles of XML design: When to use elements versus attributes

related to OPML - which appears to be a distant child of the More Outliner

It would seem important to understand how graphic markup language for visualizations fits within the hierarchical structure of OPML.