Friday, November 30, 2007



Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007

topical maps and real maps and time line visualization

Take the personalization image as a good basic theme - use it to provide the framwork for multiple reading lists augment the existing demo as described in the previous post.

Use it as a base map for contining the reconstruction from the flow of feeds on each topical item

Wlould this make the image an editorial canvas to continue tracking the evolution of the themes of the map.

Editorial overview or just let the map continue to evolve ---the feeds driven by the tags would continue to populate the map with deeper dives into the topics on a timeline

The image could be modified to include new related topics - ie a revised image v 1.2 etc

A time line view of the "collection" would be instructive -

Is this a new way to make sense out of evolving collections of topically/topographically related information flowing from the sources( with new sources possible all the time)

What happens if you make the social graph of sources visible in a second window, so that the blogosphere has a social graphical connection to the topical map? and a time line slider to illustrate the evolution?

What about a 3rd window which is numerically data driven like the world facts visualization

Consider watching these world map related visualizaitons( timeline related data evolution) to get the concept for the type of image maps ( non geo) that would be needed

How does this work for a Wiknommics( or other) topical diagram see next post

joan pas

The original concept was to use the canvas image( with hotspot ) as the interface to the framework in Grazr - but it may be that the reverse is more engaging - such that the reading list url links to the image which is then clickable for deeeper engagewment.

This will only work well when Grazr is in the FF sidebar and can be used interactively with the canvas image -

I have only the Mapping the edges demo to prototype the process, but it should be good enough

Qustion? How can the reading list be augmented - or used a reconstructo -

Example : 1.Hot spot the image. 2. aselect the links or feeds through grazing the tags from the image hot spots 3. ( nested grazrs? inside the image hotspots?) 4. OR input the hover urls from the grazr reading list (2) so that the process of construction is two way.5. create a blog post containg all of the above OR consider a podcast ( short) as the intro (blog introduces the podcast and the rest flows from the blog post screen,.

How would this work with photomosaics as the link?

what if the grazr was hidden in the image? - multiple grazr widgets - reading lists, rss,multimedia links

How would the image be updated with new RSS feeds? could the tagged hotspot be animated to blink when new stuff arrived making the image a map of the territory

What if the "dashboard was a big image or a combination ( mosaic of smaller images) each of which would blink when new stuff arrived.

What if the dashboard was also blinkable based on social network input from trusted friends ( filtering in the good stuff from Jeery Micahdlski or David Weinberger?

YAPB Template Functions �

YAPB Template Functions � "Welcome"

viewfinder // grain � 2007

viewfinder // grain � 2007

Unlesbar � Wordpress Grain Theme 0.2.1

Unlesbar � Wordpress Grain Theme 0.2.1

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Friday, November 02, 2007